Make it better
As the industry begins to recover from the worst of the pandemic, Cresta considers how it can help
The billion dollar surprise from Chisinau
Take a peek into Piko, a Cresta Global Top 50 with a tale to inspire independents everywhere
Japan fans
We explore the unique culture of Dentsu, the giant of Japanese advertising, a global cultural leader… and now the first ever recipient of the Cresta President’s Award
Death of a palm
On World Environment Day, Warsaw agency Syrena found a dramatic way to highlight the city’s dangerous pollution levels.
Addressing air pollution, literally
How AMV BBDO combine environment, tech and financial self-interest to make a winning mix that motivates engagement
In praise of the most creative act
Take one baby, a team of old masters, and an adventurous client…
Dystopian dreams from the retouching palette
Exquisite retouching from a Parisian master manipulator grows a concerned following with its visions of immaculate destruction
Let there be light on all our fields
Artist and designer Daan Roosegaarde may have created a work that has an immense global message for how we can improve our food supply
Weaving technology between past and future
A world-leading team of animators in Singapore celebrate ancient skills while lobbying against the evils of modern manufacturing
You don’t really want that. You want this…
Here’s how it should be… great clients supporting inspired designers to revive vital crafts to help the community
The sensory pleasures of transport re-imagined
Time to catch up on the fantasy-turning-reality of Virgin Hyperloop, and its dream team of designers
80 million reasons not to go to the movies
Chilean agency Inbrax takes an innovative approach to tackling extreme poverty in the shanty towns of Latin America
Alive and kicking
Design agency Zinnobergruen proves that innovation in print is far from dead
The making of ÜberCreativity
When is a network not a network? When it is a House of Communication
CC3: time to shoot the messenger or laugh
A different phase of the pandemic leads to a fragmenting of communication approaches
CC2: unlocking wit and unleashing billions
Our update on Covid work as lockdowns start to ease
A Golden Lion to remember
A critique of climate change and of the leisure industry doesn’t sound very now, just now. Our concerns have not advanced but they have moved elsewhere.